Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs In India Best Jobs Of The Feature In 2024


Hello friends, welcome to our website, today we will talk. Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India 2024 Feature Best Jobs. about this. Son, what will you become when you grow up? What will I become if I don’t get educated? Everyone must have asked you this question in childhood.

But what is the correct answer and how do we reach this answer? No one taught us If you are young, a student, or starting your career, then this article is important for you because in this article we will tell which jobs will be relevant in the future, which sectors will be attractive, and Most importantly, which jobs are going to become irrelevant.

These are the top 10 jobs of the future and this list is not influenced by any brand or sponsor. This is our honest research and opinion.


Technical Masters We read the World Economic Forum’s Jobs of the Future report, looked at the last 4 years of LinkedIn data, and saw an interesting trend that skilled technicians are still in demand. What do I mean? For example, check out this video, there is a channel called Wood Art of Vietnam that creates such detailed wooden artworks.

The channel has around 100 videos on YouTube and over 1 million subscribers. His most popular video has received over 20 million views, which means this guy must be earning ₹5-10 lakh every month from advertising revenue alone, plus each of his artworks sells for ₹10-20 lakh. Now would you call him a carpenter or an artist? To reach here he needed technical skills.

The construction and real estate industry is going to grow by 25% between 2024 and 2028, which means skilled technicians have a lot of scope and opportunities, yes, don’t be mediocre. If you are an ordinary carpenter or plumber then you will be able to earn the same amount of money.

But if you have the interest, talent, and courage to rise from the ground and become big then do not consider any business work as small. Every work is important.


Wellness and Travel Experts. There is a lot of scope in the travel, tourism, and hospitality sector to grow in India. India’s travel and tourism sector was worth $75 billion in 2020, which will reach $125 billion in 2027. In the last 15 years in India, more than 40 crore people have been raised above the poverty line. This is a sign that people’s purchasing power is increasing, which means in the coming time, more people will go on vacations with their families.

Now air travel is becoming affordable. Just 30 years ago, air travel used to be a luxury, but now it has become a necessity. If more people travel, they will stay in some hotel, and eat food somewhere, and this is not limited to mega cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata, Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities are also emerging.

In the hospitality sector, we’d heard about jobs like hotel manager, but cultural liaison officer, wellness coordinator, and sustainability manager, such new jobs are coming into the market. The food and beverage director maintains the planning, cost, and safety standards of food, whose annual salary ranges from ₹15 to 20 lakhs.


Nursing. The world is getting old. If we look at the average age by country, then high-income countries like Japan, Germany, and Italy, their average age is very high. And as the age increases, so do the health care requirements. Nurses can play an important role here.

Traditionally it was thought that nurses were only females, but that’s not necessary, there are male nurses too. Indian nurses are known all over the world for their skills and dedication. Nurses are still India’s number 1 export, even more than engineers, because in Middle Eastern countries, girls do not get an education, but educated nurses are needed to take care of old people.

Educational institutions should be increased for nursing. In countries like Australia, even today nurses earn up to 1,00,000 Australian dollars. Your experience, location, and specialization matter. If you are naturally empathetic and can understand people’s pain, then you should consider being a nurse.


Modern Farming. The world’s population has crossed 8 billion, and only one thing is common among these 8 billion people, which is that none of them can do photosynthesis. Everyone has to eat food. People consider agriculture as the job of the previous generation, but in reality, it is the opposite. In the future, we will need smart educated farmers because our soil is getting degraded.

The topsoil has already been destroyed, so the nutrients that we get from wheat and rice are not sufficient. We have also explained this problem in this video. Many countries cannot completely meet their food requirements, so they depend on other countries. Cold storage is needed in India because 30% of our food gets wasted.

If India can reduce this wastage, then India can fulfill the needs of the world. We need Green Revolution 2.0 which only modern farmers can bring. Such as vertical farming where farming is done by stacking layers. It can also be done indoors and more crops can be grown in less area. The industry of vertical farming is going to cross the $15 billion mark by 2028 In precision farming, precise decisions are taken using soil health, weather pattern detection, and data, so that the input costs can be reduced.

In hydroponics, plants are grown without soil If not professionally, then even as a hobby, people grow vegetables at home using hydroponics and reduce their expenses because a penny saved is a penny earned. These modern farming techniques are very specialized skills, and we need specialists to execute them. Demand is unlimited here and the growth potential is immense I can easily imagine that to increase their income, traditional farmers can hire experts to create hydroponics and vertical farms for them.


Video editors. This topic is my soft corner because video editors are not going anywhere since every brand today is on Instagram. Videos perform best on social media apps. If you want to stand out, you will have to make an attractive video. Companies like Fiverr are a blessing for freelancers where people from countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan work for clients from Western countries.

They earn in Dollars while sitting at home. Fiverr millionaires are a reality today, whereby selling gigs on Fiverr, video editors, and graphic designers have earned millions of dollars, that too from their homes.

How cool is that! If you are a video editor, send your best work to this email ID. We are hiring more editors. Along with video editors, the demand for animators will also increase. The salary of the senior animators of Pixar and Disney Studios is up to $150,000!! That is more than ₹1.2 crores.


Waste management. There is a landfill outside every city, but this garbage is not just garbage, it is equivalent to gold since many electronic items are thrown in every dumping ground. We can learn a lot from China as it is number one in the world in waste management. In 2018, China recovered 100 million tons of metal from waste.

Imagine 100 million tons whose value would be in billions. There is copper in broken wires. There’s metal in old batteries, mobile phones, and electronic items which can be recovered and reused. E-waste recovery and management can become a business in itself through which profit along with sustainability can be achieved If any of you are passionate about the environment, then start an e-waste management center in your local area.

It will take time to grow the business, but once the people in your area become aware of your venture, then people will gladly give you their e-waste. There is a company called Glass Half Full which collects used glasses from landfills and then converts them into sand. A little bit of creativity and love for the environment can become a successful business.


AI experts. A lot of people think that AI will take over jobs but that’s not true. You will not be replaced by AI, you will be replaced by someone who knows how to use AI. You will understand what I mean. As AI develops, every country will have its AI regulations as well.

We met a lot of such startups in Europe that test AI, and give certifications based on how safe is the AI being used This is a different branch where new jobs will be created. Just as one lakh new jobs were created in the Industrial Revolution, similarly in the 21st century, new jobs will be created because of AI.

The AI field is so new that there is a dearth of experts, and that’s why those who know this field are getting a package of ₹2-3 crores.


Education. See, there are many problems in the Indian education system, but the internet has become a great equalizer with the help of which teachers are not restricted to school. A good teacher can start their own YouTube channel, can prepare the children for competitive exams. And there are many real-life examples in front of you as well.

Teaching is a very fulfilling profession where every year you get an opportunity to build a new connection with a new batch. There are many challenges but the reward is as high.

Physicswala has become a unicorn now. It started as a single-person company, and today they are a big organization, about which movies are being made. That’s the power of a good teacher.


Sustainability experts. Climate change is a real problem, and solving a real problem is a real opportunity. Companies all over the world want to adapt to the problem of climate change. Whether it’s hotels or big companies, they want to reduce their carbon footprint.

In this, there is space for consulting, where people can take consultation to make their companies more sustainable. At the same time, the LinkedIn job posting shows that the demand for renewable energy specialists is increasing. Now electricity is generated by solar power or windmills.

Operating all these machines and managing people takes specialized skills. Consequently, jobs will be generated in this space. At the same time, many companies want to fund sustainable projects, whether it’s tree plantation, forest generation, or rooftop landscaping. Providing consultation for all this or executing them is also another field where jobs can be generated.


And the number one job that’s going to be in demand in the future is hacking. Yes, according to our research, the most in-demand job of the future will be hacking. But what kind of hacking? Not hacking that promotes theft but theft prevention hacking, which we also call ethical hacking. This graph, clearly shows that cyber attacks are increasing in India.

When Apple’s new OS is launched, many ethical hackers find bugs in them, and those bugs are reported to Apple. They get millions of dollars to identify these vulnerabilities. These are called bounties. See this report, Apple has paid a total of $20 million in bounties. Microsoft follows the same system And so does Google I’m not even joking! What is the level of threat and how rare is it, The bounty amount depends on this Today cyber security is an underrated field, but it is the reality of the future.

All the banking transactions are done through the Internet now. Countries like North Korea and Russia fund their wars through cybercrime. At such a time, private companies, governments, schools, hospitals, everyone wants to hire a cyber security expert, again, whose salary is in crores. But yes, there would be high competition in this field. Software engineers can be smart, hackers are smarter than them, and cyber security experts have to be the best in the world.

This is not an easy task. And that’s what we want to say at the end of this article, there are no shortcuts! No matter what field you choose, no genie can make you rich overnight. You need to work hard everywhere. And that’s why this article is important for students as well as parents because often we don’t think of the future beyond a few professions like doctors, engineers, CA, and lawyers. As a result, all these professions are so crowded, that it is very difficult to stand out there.

At the same time, some people become successful doctors or lawyers, but they are not happy in life, because that’s not their true calling. This article is proof that there are new professions beyond these old professions where there is a lot of scope. If you have talent, you want to do something new, then there is a path for you in every field. If you understood the message of this article, then share it with your friends. And if we’ve missed any career as per you, tell us about it in the comments.

So which careers will not be relevant in the future? I don’t want to name particular professions because people in those fields will get upset now. But I want to provide a toll to you to check it out yourself. Will Robots Take My Job is a website where you can enter your career and you will understand the risk of automation.

So if you are young and about to choose your career, then please go to this website to make your decision, and figure out whether your profession will be relevant in a few years or not. And yes, definitely show this article to your parents, because 70% of engineers in India today are unemployable. The reason is that now even those people are doing engineering who have no interest in engineering.

We heard in 3 Idiots that if you love someone but you marry somebody else, then you will suffer for life. This stands true for a career as well. Choosing a career is as important as choosing a life partner. And supporting you in this important decision makes a difference to me!


Hello friends, I appreciate you reading this essay all the way through. Visit our website frequently to read new information about jobs. If you have any questions about the articles, leave a comment, and we’ll get back to you right away.

About Anuj

Hey there, gamers! I'm Tony Stark , your go-to gaming guru with a passion for all things digital adventure. Join me as we explore the latest releases, uncover hidden gems, and level up our gaming expertise together. Let's dive in and make some epic memories in the world of pixels and polygons!

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